Monday, February 20, 2006

Toby group

this is version 3..... with a few minor fixes + little sister


In the last little while, I've been doing designs for a new show my studio is going to pitch called 'Toby'. Its a simple premise. Toby is a city kid. His Mom and Dad have recenly got a divorce, and now he and his Mom move out to their Grandma's farm. That's about it. The charcters are Chuck (the mullet kid) his new best friend, his pet pig and Dad. Mom and Grandma right behind toby, the bully at school and the Science teacher who befriends Toby to give insight. He also helps with the bully by using the little angry robot. Lemme know what you think... If you see a way i can strengthen something, dont be afraind to let me know.. i want these guys (and girls) to be tip top.